Saturday, December 3, 2011

Final Blog Post

I chose these blog post as my three as my best because I used the text best when I wrote these pieces.   Instead of going off of other information or off on a tangent, I actually used the text.

In Looking at Hell through Dante's Translators Eyes,  I picked apart one word of Dante’s inferno.

In Beowulf- the static hero I examined Beowulf the character by looking at what the text says about his actions. 

In The Flood Story I used passages from the Bible to describe the character of Yahweh. 

I love using the literature itself and I think that this tactic produces the best work.  Why weren't all my posts like this?  Probably because I always get lost on Rabbit Trails. 

Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon
the highest Heaven, The Empyrean
Ideas about literature

My ideas about literature have changed.  Not in the “we went from hate to passionate love” kind of way.  Instead my scope of literature simply broadened.  I think my vision and understanding has changed through reading and thinking about these pieces. 

I had no idea that some of these pieces even existed (Gilgamesh, Tale of Genji, Li  Bai).  Now, they are some of my favorite pieces of literature.  I will admit this class has left me with a school girl crush. . . . on Dante’s Inferno of course.  I can’t help it.  Good poetry makes me feel all fluttery.

My skills in reading and writing have improved dramatically this semester.   To be honest, it makes me feel a little stupid.  I find myself thinking “I should have known this so how come I didn’t realize this”.  I would learn from class.  Actually learn and feel stupid.  I love this combination in a class!

 I think my writing is naturally getting better with practice.  However, understanding what makes these pieces “tick” helps me to be able to create the perfect “tick” for my essays.  After all essays are often like complicate (sometimes boring) clocks.  
Before I start flattering a particular teacher, I will move on.

I could have done better this semester, however considering everything else (my four other classes and two kids) I did pretty well. 

  • Procrastinating — self explanatory
  • Insecure— I have been known to call myself a genius, brilliant and one who possesses great literary prowess.  However, I don’t feel confident about my writing at all.  I have to tell myself to just “get it done” in order to even turn in a paper.    
  • Chicken — I feel nervous in class.  I try to hide it, but sometimes it means I just sit in class not participating.  I don’t let people read my poetry, neglect to voice my ideas, and I am scared of trying new things with my writing . . . the list goes on.
  • Bad Grammar—I am working on this problem.  Someday I will turn in a paper with no grammatical errors.  When will that day come? Not sure.
  • and— I am indecisive, easily distracted, and keep mentioning things like Korean pop music in my writing.

  • Relatively Intelligent— Let’s face it.  Even “it’s not bad” writing requires a certain level of intelligence.  I am not saying that other people are stupid.  I am just saying that I am not dullest knife in the drawer.  I am not going to be falsely humble (right now anyways).
  • Listening – I am fairly good at clearing my brain and listening openly.  I take criticism and try to learn from it.  I crave constructive criticism. The other kind I fear.
  • Love –I love writing.  It makes me feel all tense and relaxed at the same time.  Writing is like taking a shower after two weeks of camping.  Like rain in the summer, the first taste of autumn.  I like the control and the submission.  I think this is a strength. 
  • The ability to function on limited sleep-- self explanatory    

Beaufort Sea: C-- Sea. get it? Sí! 
[Disclaimer—I would be the type of teacher everyone hates]
I would give myself a 76%.  Yep. I would give myself a mid C.  I did work hard sometimes (like on the essay), but I missed several blog posts and often stayed silent in class.  I could have worked harder on the essay.  I spent long hours on bigger projects, but I often read the texts on the bus while going to school.  

1 comment:

  1. This blog has been a pleasure to read all semester, rabbit holes and all. I agree with your top choices for post; those probably would have made my Best Of as well.

    One of the things that I appreciate the most about your writing here is your ability and willingness to spend time and energy on one or two ideas, expand them, and discover the fuller implications of such ideas/questions/observations. Your translation post is a good example of this.

    Thanks for all your hard work this semester.
