Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Flood Story

Flood Story Cliff Notes Style
Mankind is being evil. . . Noah Finds favor in Gods eyes . . . God tells Noah to build ark. . . . Therefore saving Noah, his family and a lot of animals . . . there is a big flood . . . everyone or thing (not including ocean creatures) not on the ark is wiped from the earth . . . Flood subsides . . . Noah and everyone/thing else get off the ark . . . God promises never again in the form of a rainbow.

Attributes of Yahweh

Yahweh (the God of the Flood story) is complex to say the least. I’ll put it this way, God is not a static character in Genesis (or the rest of the Bible for that matter). I actually had a pretty difficult time pulling out “descriptions of the type of god Yahweh is” from the text alone.

Yahwah grieves

“And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him to his heart” Geneses 6:6 ESV

First, though I really like my translation of the Bible, I find “וַיִּנָּ֣חֶם” which in the ESV is translated as “was sorry” is better translated as “And it repented the”. But regardless this verse shows that Yahwah was upset and not just regretted creating man but “grieved” over the fact that he created man.

I would also like to point out that regretting something does not guaranty you did not know it would happen. I knew I would regret taking a nap today, did it anyways and currently regret it. But the situation in the Bible is bigger than napping. Perhaps Yahwah creates mankind (knowing that he would regret it) to teach future man a lesson.

Yahwah is Just

“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” Geneses 6:8 ESV

Yahwah could have easily destroyed all mankind but he did not do this. Instead he spared the ones who were “righteous”, Noah and his Family.

Yahweh Blesses

“And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Geneses 9:1 ESV

The first thing Yahweh says to Noah after the flood is to bless mankind. And I might add, allows them to eat meat! “Every moving thing shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.” Genesis 9:3 ESV

Rabbit Trail—

I was going to put a picture of Noah here, but I could only find white Noahs. Since that is not even genetically logical, I will refrain from posting a picture of Noah.

                                             (='.'=) –“Thanks centuries of racism!”
                                                      (The bunny is sarcastic)

1 comment:

  1. "God is not a static character in Genesis (or the rest of the Bible for that matter)." Definitely agreed. He is pretty hard to pin down in this story specifically.

    What was the basis of God sparing Noah? One of the passages cites "grace," which seems to go beyond Noah simply being good or just. It seem to suggest that God has extended a type of (unearned) mercy here. Why would God do this? Is it simply because he couldn't stand to destroy ALL his creation?

    Agree with the bunny as well.

    Good post.
